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How do I start writing?

When it comes to writing content for publication, beating around the bush is the norm. Does this ever happen to you?

I've been thinking about how I can dare to publish my writings for the last few days. 

Brainstorming is helpless in this case because the first things that come to mind are: 

👀 I don't have any experience doing this;

👀 I don't feel knowledgeable enough;

👀 I don’t know if this content is relevant enough.

So I wondered what my writing muse thought about this. Do you have something to tell me, Ursula?

👉'Well, the secret to writing is writing,' she says. 'People who don't want to hear it keep it a secret. Writing is the only way to become a writer', so here I am.

❤Ursula, I've written! I said. And now what? The writing is finished, but the publication is not.

What she added has kept me writing for days:

In order to write a story, you have to trust yourself, you have to trust the story, and you have to trust the reader. Before you start writing, neither the story nor the reader even exists, and the only thing you have to trust is yourself. And the only way you can come to trust in yourself as a writer is to write. To commit yourself to that craft. To be writing, to have written, to work on writing, to plan to write. To read, to write, to practice your trade, to learn your job, until you know something about it, and know you know something about it. (K. Le Guin, 2018, p. 315) 

👉So it wasn't about writing, but about consistency. 

How has consistency impacted it in other areas of my life?

🥊In boxing, for instance, giving a powerful punch is more about confidence and technique than strength. Being consistent requires confidence. Consistency breeds confidence, strength, technique, and lightness. Thus, it seems that the link between amateur and professional performance is consistency: you must first be an amateur before you can become anything else🥊.

#writing #UrsulaKLeguin 
